Discover How To Become A Local Web Resource & Never Starve Again!
Moving Just One Spot On Google Can Double Triple or Quadruple Your Sites Traffic!
But first we have to create some content…
Learning basic web strategy can move you up in the search results and it’s hard work. The benefit is that you will have an endless source of leads and you can pick and choose.
Below is a video series all about how I personally built two handyman websites and ranked them on the first page of Google. I did this for their prime keyword phrases and that brings me 200 great leads a month!
To do this… I made a slew of videos and spent a lot of time blogging about what I knew how to do. Yes, they were my personal and local handyman sites. One was built just outside of Denver in Arvada Colorado and the other was built just outside of Daytona Beach Florida.
My handyman website in Denver was ranking for Arvada handyman, Westminster handyman and Wheat Ridge Handyman. I did not need two of those to be so busy I couldn’t keep up.
So let’s get to it! In the next section below…
Learn How To Take Over Your Local Google Search Results
In this video collection you will find my local Handyman website built on WordPress and ranked on the first page of Google. The site is
This video also references which is now closed but was the top handyman home repair website in North Denver! Have a look at these videos and discover how I went about ranking those site under specific keyword phrases.
Watch These Videos: