This could be a simple or major ordeal. Website speed reduction is not just a thing but many things that work together to display the content of your website. There are several approaches here and they all depend on what is hosting your website. There are cache plugins and they work with types of servers like cloud vs shared servers. The second thing that slows a website down is its images and general website template. Reducing anything in these areas will immediately reduce the load and reduce the load time of the site. From here to get even more speed you need to add specialty plugins like PerfMatters. Most websites will never need this level of optimization. Get the basic package for $199. There may be other fees related to reducing the template or redoing it in Elementor/WordPress.
Monday – 8am to 6pm
Tuesday – 8am to 6pm
Wednesday – 8am to 6pm
Thursday – 8am to 6pm
Friday – 8am to 6pm
Saturday – 9am to 4pm
Sunday – Closed
Available by phone from 8am to 6pm (EST) most days!
We are headed towards being a fully integrated AI (Artificial Intelligence) based marketing company. We build customized websites, do real SEO via content marketing, create AI Automations, & set up social/digital marketing services for businesses. We are learning the High-level platform & locally serve businesses in Port Orange, South Daytona, Daytona Beach, Ponce Inlet, New Smyrna Beach, & Ormond Beach. We also have presence on Google in hotel vacation club (timeshare) marketing. We have built two websites over 500 pages & use WordPress (Elementor Pro) proficiently.
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