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Are You A YouTuber That Needs A Website?

Have a popular YouTube Channel & need a website?

YouTube Channel Convert To WebsiteI see it time and again, popular YouTube Channels and no website!  There are many reasons for popular YouTuber to create a website.  

First, you get so much more control over ever aspect of your customers experience.  Plus you control what the see and the marketing they are presented.  

Second, you can better lead generate because you can do more than just get a subscriber.  A website will allow you to collect emails and even interact with your visitor via chat.

Third, you get stats!  I love YouTube stats but Search Console (10x better) is by far my favorite web tool.

Does Every Video Needs It's Own Page:

A Page For Every YouTube VideoNo, only the videos that have value.  I build simple WordPress websites that allow you to create endless pages/posts.  WordPress operates the template (header, footer, sidebar) and the rest is just pictures, videos and written word (pages/posts).  

There is a $499 fee for the initial website setup.  Included is a years fees for your domain name, hosting, several paid plugins, CDN, template and site maintenance.  I charge about $149 for annual maintenance, hosting and domain fee (plugins cost extra).  

After the initial setup, there is a per page charge that is between $5 and $25.  Cost varies based on volume of pages to be created and the overall content to be created for each page (video, pictures, scripting, written word).  

There are lots of options here to save a buck or max this out.  You can literally have a single page that displays all your videos or perhaps just 5 or 10 pages with your most popular videos in YouTube Playlists.  Ideally, you should have a page for each video that has any value.

How Would My New YouTuber To Website Look?

Lead generating websites for YouTubersThere are lots of designs that are possible for your new website.  Let me propose the idea of a site that is focused on lead generation rather than flashy stuff.  Know that every piece of media added to any webpage causes that webpage to load slower.

Also, I use a paid plugin that displays that video itself and that plugin has a thousand options.  This is where we will have to either sit down together or do some form of video chat to make changes.  I can in a minute make an adjustment and have you refresh to preview.

Here are a few sample webpages that I built and use the mentioned plugin.  Here is a website with over 300 pages and I collected over 10,000 videos into 300 playlists.  I embedded them into there own pages.  This is what I would recommend!  Here is a second example.

My Thoughts On YouTuber Websites:

Here is a quick video to show you a few possibilities and ways that a YouTube Video Plugin for WordPress would work.  There are dozens of ways that this content can be displayed.  

Plus if you own the content there are even more ways to optimize each webpage.  The very descriptions from the videos can become content and get displayed on-page.

Have a look at the video and the web links and if you have any questions, reach out.

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